Monday, January 26, 2009

Mt. Holyoke

Now that I have been on campus a few days, I am feeling a lot more relaxed. Today I met with the teacher's licensure program coordinator and she approved a class for me to take in Spain that will count for my licensure: Methodology of Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language. I'm glad because it will be the one class that is useful for me this semester since I have pretty much finished all my other credits that I need.

I also met with my Spanish professor and we talked about possibly doing a thesis. I was so convinced I was not going to do one, and now it seems like I am set up to start doing research soon! I have two main topics right now, both dealing with gender and power dynamics. The one I am going to try to do is looking at a Spanish short story that is based on a French short story which is based on an Italian short story! (Fewf, that's a lot to handle!) So my research would be in the three languages, truly a Romance Languages and Literature thesis, but the final paper would just be in Spanish. We're looking at about 100 pages. In case that doesn't go anywhere, I am leaving the idea from my seminar last semester on back burner. In that case I would be looking at gendered-violence again, a topic which I find very interesting.

We shall see what happens, but I will be starting to prepare for this during the coming semester, as well as taking five classes in Spain.

Wish me luck.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Return to the Homeland!

It's been a while and I thought I should probably give an update of everything that has been going on the past month and a half....

After twenty-six hours of traveling, I arrived safe and sound back in good ol' Brisbane. I have never been so happy to return to the Bay Area. We flew in over San Francisco and it was a beautiful day. I realized how much I love where I live and how important it is to me. It was great to see all my family and friends again. I even got a chance to see Hannah Waen, a friend from Mt. Holyoke, a few times. My neighbor, Hannah Williams, and I spent quite a bit of time together. On Christmas morning we kept our ritual alive and visited each other's homes and families. It was a nice reminder of the community and all the I had left behind when I left for Spain. A few days after Christmas my professor came to San Francisco for the MLA Conference; we went out for coffee and walked around the city a bit. It was so nice to see her. I often feel very torn, due to living two lives, one in Brisbane and one in Massachusetts, and when there is a time when those two worlds can meet, I feel whole. It was great to be able to have that once again.

After a month at home with family and loved ones, I sadly packed my bags again. I was dreading leaving this time, not wanting to return to Spain. On January 15th I took off for Mt. Holyoke. As we pulled up to campus I felt that I was home again; returning to this other home has brought me great joy. I had missed it so, so much; even the seven degree weather was oddly comforting. I walked around campus feeling like for once I was in the right place; this is where I am supposed to be. The buildings stand out against the white snow, giving the campus a pristine look. I walked into the library and the familiar smell of it made me smile. I headed over to the new dorm; it's beautiful. It still feels a bit hotel like in the inside, but it is a truly magnificent building. I ran into a few friends whom I thought I was not going to see until September, which was a great surprise.

At six o'clock, Ashley, Stefan, Emily and I packed up our things and hit the road to Washington DC. We arrived around two in the morning at our friend's house in Virginia. Saturday we went into DC and did some touristy things. On Sunday we went to the "We Are One" concert, which was the highlight of the weekend. The line-up was amazing, and everyone was in high spirits. We stood amongst 600,000 people looking towards the steps of the Lincoln Memorial while star after star appeared on the stage to perform and speak. President Obama and Vice President Biden both spoke, while their families watched from the front row. It was truly an amazing experience and moved me quite a bit.

Monday was the National Day of Service in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.'s Birthday. My aunt Beth and I went to RFK Stadium to make care packages for the soldiers serving across the globe. It was so well organized and tons of fun. There were thousands of volunteers at just this event! It made me so happy to see people of every kind gathering together for a common good. In the midst of all the work, cheers erupted as First Lady Michelle Obama arrived at the event. We were able to get a few photos of her, and were about twenty feet away from her!! She stayed to help out for about an hour or so, which was really great. Also attending the event was President Obama's step-grandmother. I snapped a photo of her as well. The service event was probably one of the best moments of the weekend. It was so fun and exciting, and the fact that Michelle was there really topped it off.

Tuesday was the big day: the Inauguration of the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama. We left around 7:30am and eventually got to the Mall at about 10:40am. It was hectic getting in, but so worth it. Beth and I did not have tickets, which ended up being the better option. We stood on the side of the Mall between the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial, with a clear view of the White House. It was so awesome because we could see the moving trucks outside getting ready to move all of Bush's stuff out and President Obama's stuff in. We had a clear view of a megatron and could hear just fine. It was a great day in American history. After the ceremony we eventually went back to Virginia. We left around 6:45pm and arrived at Mount Holyoke around 2:30am. We were exhausted, but it was well worth it.

Yesterday I met with Anita, the Catholic Chaplin, and we talked for almost four hours! It was great to catch up on everything this past semester. We went to lunch in Prospect, and I pleasantly discovered that my OneCard works - free food!! I have been craving Mt. Holyoke food since I arrived in Spain, so it's really nice to be able to eat here again. You really don't realize how great it is and how much you miss it until you have to eat only one type of food every single day for four months. My goal is to have a different item every day while I am here.

As a sidenote, Skype just might be one of the best things ever created. It's amazing how you can be on the other side of the world from your close friends, and yet feel as if you are sitting in the same room. I was able to talk to the Nash twins, Julia and Claire today for about an hour and it was great! Mount Holyoke feels complete after seeing them on my computer screen while sitting on Ashley's couch in Mead. I also talked to Grace, who is still in Sevilla, and she gave me an update on everything there. It's so nice to have an opportunity to speak with friends. :)

Well, that's about all for now. I will try to put up pictures from Inauguaration, although I am sure you have all seen plenty by now. Much love to everyone, wherever in the world you are. My thoughts are with you.

Love always,